Don Han

Don is a cross-functional professional with a User Experience and Management background based in NYC.

Here is a collection of products.


Made in NY



Web | iOS | Android

An enterprise-level product supporting “zero by 30” for local community groups and businesses. Built ground up for facilitating a matching algorithm for potential food donations and exchanging of surplus goods.

lean UX | agile | scrumban | design systems

PWA | SPA | react.js | typescript | CSS3 | .net core | micro services | docker | rancher | DevOps

Rotato Snapshot 7.png
Rotato Snapshot 24.png

 Department of Sanitation

Web | iOS | Android

A true multi-level product supporting field support, headquarter operations, local businesses, and New York City residents.

agile | scrum | design sprints | design systems

PWA | SPA | react.js | CSS3 | CRM | service layers


Zero Waste Schools


An educational product for sustainability and future of New York City.

agile | scrum | design sprints | design systems

jQuery | CSS3 | service layers

Rotato Snapshot 38.png