Don Han
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Public Brand Presence

As the Department’s 43rd commissioner Kathryn Garcia, when joining the Department of Sanitation in 2014 she wanted to revolutionize the agency. Rebranding and clear communication were higher agendas in her modernization plan. Gone are the white, teal, and orange color scheme of DSNY and are replaced with deep forest green and white. The clarity of the information presented on digital and social platforms was a key priority in spearheading her modernization plan.



Our foremost strategy is User Experience (UX), consistently hypothesizing, designing, testing, and redesigning each key element for the most optimal and consistent experience for the user was the key to acceptance by stakeholders, and residents alike. Each iteration of DSNY products has been an evolution of user experience and modernization of infrastructure.

About the Product

The current Department of Sanitation (DSNY) web presence is the third iteration of the product in its program cycle.  It is an essential communication platform for the residents to learn about the department’s involvement in keeping New York City clean.  

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management or otherwise known as CRMs is an integral part of the DSNY website. Managing the relationships between residents and services that sanitation provides is key to customer success.

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Kanban Practices

Ideals derived from the usage of Kanban practices, the card-based system was designed to keep track of service requests as they progressed through the different stages of “to-do”, “in progress” and “done”. The visualization is the most obvious aspect of the card-based system because it allowed the user to clearly see the current statuses of each service request.


The idea of sustainability does not only apply to refuse and climate change.  We have applied the core concept to the development process and delivery of the product.

The goal was to create a dynamic platform that allows content to be created, edited, and published without developer intervention.  Making the system completely sustainable without the use of IT resources.

My Cross-Functional Roles

During the course of the program’s development, I wore many hats during its phases of milestones.

As a Program Manager/Project Manager

  • Facilitated delivery of a program to completion on time and quality

  • Proactively removed impediments to ensure successful delivery

  • Devised the roadmap for the program

  • Owned and managed communication plan across the program

  • Communicated with the stakeholders and ensure transparency on key decisions

  • Built program budgets and timelines based on internal and external resources

  • Managed through shifting priorities to provide clear direction and input on program definition

As An Agile Partner

  • Facilitated sprint planning, daily stand-up meetings, reviews/demos, retrospectives, release planning meetings, and backlog refinement sessions

  • Championed and reinforced Agile principles and frameworks throughout the development process

  • Promoted a safe environment for team members to express ideas, ask questions, and voice concerns constructively.

  • Fostered continuous improvement by guiding the team to self-reflect, identify and improve.

  • Coached employees and stakeholders on Kanban fundamentals

  • Identified and implementing agile metrics to measure success (burn down & burn up charts)

As a Product Owner

  • Presented concepts, documents, and program information to key stakeholders

  • Acted as an internal quality control check for all phases of the development process

  • Provided user experience and technical development oversight

  • Identified, communicated, mitigated risks, assumptions, Issues, and decisions throughout the program

  • Defined detailed functional specifications for feature sets

  • Reviewed features for testing and validation during the life of the development

As a Design Strategist / UX Lead

  • Collaborated with cross-functional leaders to determine which research activities for the program

  • Lead user testing and interviews to validate designs with end-user

  • Guided the design process from framing the problem, synthesizing insights, and ideating creative solutions using design sprints

  • Conducted exercises at all stages from discovery to validation, using a variety of methods to understand customer needs and define opportunities

Product Roadmap

The product roadmap is built on an evolution of technologies along with coaching and guiding the team in adapting to current trends.

  • DSNY Web 1.0

    • (Responsive Design)

    • JQuery

  • DSNY Web 2.0 - “Zero by 30” Update

    • Angular 1.0

    • Limited Restful service layers

    • Google Maps API

    • Mail Chimp

  • Unified Dashboard 1.0

    • Angular 1.0

    • Limited Restful service layers

    • Google Maps API

  • E-waste Dashboard 1.0

    • Angular 1.0

    • Limited Restful service layers

    • Google Maps API

  • Mobile Apps

    • Native iOS App

    • Native Android App

  • E-waste Dashboard 2.0

    • Angular 1.0

    • ESRI Vehicle Routing

  • Bulk Dashboard

    • Angular 1.0

    • ESRI Vehicle Routing

  • Unified Dashboard 2.0

    • (Single Page Application)

    • react.js

    • RESTful service layers

  • DSNY Web 3.0

    • (Progressive Web App)

    • (Single Page Application)

    • react.js

    • CMS - API  Word Press

    • RESTful service layers

DSNY Product Roadmap

DSNY Product Roadmap


One of the toughest parts of this program was the gathering of information, Department of Sanitation (DSNY) has over 20+ Bureaus representing over 15,000 employees. The history of the department extends back 120+ years, with that comes historical processes and undocumented knowledge.

User Experience Sprints

Using traditional UX phases of design “objective >> Research >> Mock-Ups >> Test >> Build >> Validate”. The team adopted design sprints to tackle prototypes quickly for stakeholder review and technical feedback. This allowed for rapid development and deployment cycles.

Below are mock-ups created during the design sprint for review with stakeholders and business owners, getting feedback during this process is critical to the success of the product.

Design Sprint Cycle

Design Sprint Cycle

User Interface Design

Over 300+ high fidelity user interfaces were created, including responsive design, tablet,  mobile app, and design specs.

Web Wireframes

Web User Interface

Mobile Responsive (Tablet Viewport) User Interface

Mobile Responsive (Phone Viewport) User Interface

User Experience Research

User Flow Diagram

Below is the decision tree the user goes through when making an appointment.



User Flow Diagram

Below is the decision tree the user goes through when planning a route.



User Interface



DSNY platform is the first sustainable Single Page Application leveraging a content management system (CMS).

Application DMZ

Application DMZ

Scrum Practices

The cross-functional team used agile concepts and applying those values to a scrum framework in timebox intervals called sprints. Keeping communication open, collaborating with stakeholders and business, responding to change rapidly, and delivering working software quickly and effectively are key drivers in the successful delivery of the program.

Technical Architecture

DSNY Platform uses a client-side 3 tier architecture in which the logic, data access, storage, and user interface are developed and maintained as different modules. However, there are external gateways and interfaces the client and service layer will interact with.

External Interactions

External Interactions

Technical Stack

Technical Stack



DSNY platform is the most visible communication vehicle for the Department of Sanitation.  The cross-functional team members applied design sprint methodology during the sprint development phases of the product.  The development team was eagerly learning new technology frameworks like react.js. 

In all the platform services half-a-million service requests yearly, without the inclusion of CRM system logistics and follow-up for service requests would have been a nightmare.

The main takeaway is the sustainability of the platform, content creators, business users, and program providers can create, edit, rearrange content on the platform without the need of a development team.


All in total 11 different User Experiences are delivered, that spans over 4 products that include Web, iOS, Android, and stand-alone kiosk.


Dynamic Single Page Application, that delivers on-demand client-side consumption of services. For general public use.

Desktop / Tablet / Mobile Views

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Card-based DASHBOARD

Dynamic Single Page Application, that delivers on-demand client-side consumption of services.  For internal managing of content, transactions, and users.

Desktop / Tablet Views



Native iOS and Android Application, that delivers on-demand client-side consumption of services.  For general public use.

iOS / Android

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